Friday, September 23, 2005

Can't let go of youth...but you'll let go of life

Youth has promise and beauty. And it's sad to see doors closing in your face. But life is full of so many precluded possibilities as Hobbes (Calvin's friend) once explained.

Give me 10 more years and I'll take up painting...I think Voltaire said that. I'll probably find myself with similar sentiments. But we shall see.

Our end is coming. All these storms and wars and planes dropping and AIDs remind us that. "Us" being myself and you the ready. It's just the end of our own lives. There's really nothing special about people as a group.

Yet as I write that it seems false. There IS something unique about us and it would be a shame if our experiment ended. Maybe I'll die and you'll die but it would be a shame if we all died.

At least that's my opinion right now. We shall see.

Don't let grades define you

-Human gangs seem to fight for the same reasons animal gangs do. Bio-psych has lots of hidden answers for us...
-I wish I was part of the scientific community at times. But am I any good at it?
-I'm trying somewhat with my students but I can't say I'm trying my "hardest".
-Bush is a failure of a whole new level.
-Blogs are a great way to end the day.
-Don't let your grades define who you are.