Thursday, October 09, 2008

Why Educators Should Vote for Obama

Some of my students are fearful of the standardized test that's looming large in their future. They hold out some naive hope that Obama will remove this obstacle. I explain about "No Child Left Behind" and how education is a combination of local, state, and federal laws.

Still, I think Obama is a better choice for educators. Here's why.

First of all, Obama was a professor at one of the best law schools in the country, the University of Chicago. He appreciates the doors education can open for people. Meanwhile, John McCain graduated at the bottom of his class at the Naval Academy. He used his father and grandfather's influence to get by.

Obama seems to be a deep thinker. He writes his own speeches. He picked a vice presidential candidate who is rational and intelligent. He was a community organizer when he could've been making a fortune on Wall Street. Some things are more important than money.

America needs a new start after the last misreable eight years.

I'd think many scientists would agree.

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